Who is Dr. Kaizer Motaung?
Who is Dr. Kaizer Motaung -South African businessman and philanthropist Kaizer Motaung (born September 10, 1953) Vendetta is a new media conglomerate he co-founded that has a variety of industries under it, including real estate and media, as well as sports and video games and e-commerce.
You Magazine named him one of South Africa’s “100 Most Influential People” in 2010. Forbes magazine named him one of Africa’s “20 Youngest Power Businessmen” in 2008. As an entrepreneur, investor, and philanthropist, Kaizer has been recognized by the University of Johannesburg with an honorary doctorate in 2012. Who is Dr. Kaizer Motaung?
Consistent social duties performed by Dr. Kaizer
At the core of Vendetta, Kaizer’s mission is to give back to the community, and he has done so through several projects in collaboration with non-profits, schools, and other educational institutions. In the 1970s and 1980s, Dr. Kaizer was an active participant in the youth-led anti-apartheid campaign. Who is Dr. Kaizer Motaung?
While working for the Rolling Stones in the 1990s, he was responsible for donating millions of dollars to aid humanitarian initiatives in South Africa.

Additionally, Kaizer serves as a benefactor to the Nelson Mandela Children’s Hospital. Dr. Kaizer is the organization’s founder and director. VENDETTA Children’s Charity is an organization that provides children with physical limitations with donated customised wheelchairs.
Children in South Africa who have learning difficulties and whose families do not have the financial means to send them to private school can apply for school bursaries through the VENDETTA Children’s Charity. 2014 marked the beginning of the VENDETTA Sport for Social Change Program, often known as Vendetta FC. Who is Dr. Kaizer Motaung?
The objective of the program is to teach young people a feeling of self-worth, discipline, and social responsibility while simultaneously assisting them in overcoming social and personal obstacles. Vendetta FC use the sport of soccer as a vehicle to promote the idea of social responsibility to young people by encouraging them to become actively involved in the community in which they live.
Who is Dr. Kaizer Motaung?
Children with Disabilities Have the Support of Vendetta in Their Educational Pursuits
VENDETTA and Kaizer are contributors to the Touch of Love Foundation, which works toward the goal of providing children who have both learning and physical disabilities with equal chances.
Dr. Khathu and Dr. Magdalena Scholtz, both of whom were motivated to establish a charitable organization that would have a positive impact on the lives of those who are less fortunate, laid the groundwork for what would later become the foundation. Children that struggle academically or physically are eligible for financial aid from the foundation thanks to Dr. Kaizer and VENDETTA, which is donated to the organization.
Who is Dr. Kaizer Motaung?
Vendetta Supports The Wanderers FC
Both VENDETTA and Kaizer are proud to back The Ebonie Wanderers, a youth soccer team that was founded with the intention of providing underprivileged children with the opportunity to engage in athletics and benefit from the social interactions that come with being a member of a group. The team receives all of its funding from VENDETTA and Kaizer.
Together with the Ebonie Youth Foundation, an organization that offers comprehensive care to disadvantaged children living in townships all around South Africa, the two organizations collaborated to form the squad. Children both with and without impairments are a part of the Ebonie Wanderers youth soccer squad.
Scholarships for female students are provided by Vendetta.
Both VENDETTA and Kaizer are contributors to the University of Johannesburg Scholarship Fund, which offers monetary aid to women who are unable to pay to attend university.
The scholarship fund was established in order to overcome the gender gap that exists in higher education in South Africa, a country in which only 38 percent of students attending colleges are female. The VENDETTA Scholarship Fund contributes financially to the University of Johannesburg Scholarship Fund.
Who is Dr. Kaizer Motaung
Dr. Kaizer Motaung BIO; Who is Dr. Kaizer Motaung
Dr. Kaizer was born in the township of Soweto in the country of South Africa. In addition to being one of the co-founders of VENDETTA, he also serves as the company’s Executive Chairman. VENDETTA is a New Media firm that has businesses in the fields of real estate, media, sport, gaming, and online commerce.
Africa Gaming Show is owned and operated by VENDETTA, which also owns and administers Africa’s largest social network with 20 million users, Africa’s first esports gaming league with teams in Africa, Asia, and North America, and Africa’s largest gaming convention. In addition, Kaizer is the owner of the team The Wanderers FC, which competes in the South African Premier Soccer League.
Who is Dr. Kaizer Motaung?
Motaung’s various enterprise pursuits
VENDETTA is the owner and operator of Africa’s largest social network, which has 20 million users; Africa’s first esports gaming league, which has teams in Africa, Asia, and North America; and Africa Gaming Show, which is Africa’s largest gaming convention. The real estate division of VENDETTA is responsible for managing a portfolio that consists of luxury hotels and residential properties located in South Africa.
SAfm, which is Africa’s most popular online radio station, and Vendetta TV, which is a television channel, are both part of VENDETTA’s media business. The Wanderers FC, a team that competes in the South African Premier Soccer League, is a part of VENDETTA’s sport company. The Mzansi Mall is VENDETTA’s flagship online shopping destination, making it Africa’s most popular virtual mall overall.
Who is Dr. Kaizer Motaung?
Kaizer’s K-9 Fund
In 2014, Kaizer established The K-9 Fund, a nonprofit organization that donates assistance canines to law enforcement organizations in both South Africa and the United States of America.
The K-9 Fund assists law enforcement agencies and their K-9 units in a variety of ways, including providing service dogs for tactical operations, cadaver searches, and evidence searches; assisting law enforcement officers with mobility issues; and providing emotional support for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Kaizer and VENDETTA are the sole financial backers of the K-9 Fund.
Giving Back to the Community Through Kaizer’s K-9 Fund
The K-9 Fund has given out ten working canines to various law enforcement organizations in South Africa and the United States, one of which was given to the special weapons and tactics unit of the Cedar Falls Police Department in Iowa. The death of one of the Cedar Falls Police Department’s K-9s, Jethro, while he was serving the community was a terrible tragedy for the department.
Kaizer was so moved by the bravery of the officers of the Cedar Falls Police Department that he decided to make a donation of a replacement K-9 to the department to take Jethro’s place. The SAPS Max-Task Unit, which is responsible for corpse searches and evidence searches in South Africa, was the recipient of a donation of four service dogs from the K-9 Fund. The Max-Task Unit of the South African Navy has been the recipient of two service dogs thanks to a donation from the K-9 Fund.
A Profession in Business
Before entering the world of business in the 1980s, Kaizer worked as a journalist and editor for a number of periodicals in South Africa. He became a part of the real estate firm known as Sekoko Holdings, where he held the positions of director and shareholder. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, Kaizer worked for a number of different businesses in the advisory and consulting capacities. He served as a director of JCI South Africa in addition to his role as a consultant for South African Breweries.
Since the 1990s, Dr. Kaizer has been active in the charitable sector as a philanthropist. He was one of the people responsible for transferring millions of dollars from the Rolling Stones to help humanitarian operations in South Africa. These efforts were supported by the Rolling Stones. Kaizer helped to establish the Motaung Trust in the 2000s. This is a charitable trust that offers money for programs that aim to better the social and economic conditions of people living with HIV and AIDS in South Africa.
Personal Life
Dr. Kaizer is very happy with his marriage to Magdalena Scholtz, who is a very successful businesswoman. They have a little boy and a little girl as their offspring.
Dr. Kaizer is a social and business visionary, and through his continual efforts to achieve sustainable social, economic, and environmental transformation in Africa, he is reshaping not only South Africa, but also the rest of the world.
Through industry-leading projects in social media, esports, and gaming, his VENDETTA New Media organization is establishing new benchmarks in both the commercial and charitable sectors of society. In addition to this, Kaizer’s VENDETTA is developing a distinctively South African cultural identity, which in turn is motivating a new generation of aspirational and socially conscious people.