0692 Ni namba ya Mtandao Gani Tanzania?

0692 Ni namba ya Mtandao Gani Tanzania?

0692 Ni namba ya Mtandao Gani Tanzania -Airtel and other business numbers in Tanzania, such as those belonging to Tigo, Vodacom, or Halotel, might be confusingly similar to one another at times. For your convenience, we have produced a list that contains every possible combination of phone numbers that can be used with any of the nation’s phone service providers.

0692 Ni namba ya Mtandao Gani Tanzania?

Some customers of Airtel have phone numbers that are prefixed with the area code 0692. If you receive an SMS message or a phone call from a number that begins with 0692, it is quite likely that the sender was making use of Airtel‘s network in Tanzania.

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0692 Ni namba ya Mtandao Gani Tanzania?

0692 Ni namba ya Mtandao Gani Tanzania
0692 Ni namba ya Mtandao Gani Tanzania


Airtel Tanzania Limited currently holds the status of being Tanzania’s third-largest telecoms operator, placing it third after Vodacom Tanzania and Tigo Tanzania in terms of the overall number of users it serves. As of September 2017, the most recent month for which data is currently available, there were 10.6 million voice subscribers signed up with Airtel Tanzania. According to data that was compiled and presented by the Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority in the month of December 2017, Airtel Tanzania held 27.1 percent of Tanzania’s mobile telephone market in terms of the total number of customers. At that time, analysts anticipated that the market will have 10.86 million customers.

Airtel Africa is the largest mobile service provider in Africa, other than in South Africa, and operates as a pan-African mobile network operator. Across the continent, the firm maintains operations in 14 different nations. Your employer is a part of Airtel Africa, which is an international telecommunications corporation.

On April 3, 2006, Airtel Tanzania became the first telecommunications carrier in Tanzania to offer the General Packet Radio Service/Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution (GPRS/EDGE) service in the market for the country. This milestone occurred in Tanzania. Celtel Tanzania retains its headquarters in Celtel House, Dar es Salaam. On August 1, 2008, Celtel rebranded all of its operations in Africa as Zain. This change took effect immediately. This new regulation went into force at once.