0693 Ni namba ya Mtandao Gani Tanzania?
0693 Ni namba ya Mtandao Gani -It can be difficult to tell the difference between Airtel and other business numbers in Tanzania, such as Tigo, Vodacom, or Halotel. A list of every potential phone number combination for each phone service provider in the country has been compiled for your convenience.
0693 Ni namba ya Mtandao Gani Tanzania?
Some Airtel subscribers have phone numbers that include the code 0693. In the event that you receive an SMS or a phone call from a number beginning with 0678, it is quite likely that they were utilizing Airtel’s Tanzania network.
>>>Viwango vya Mishahara Sekta ya Afya 2022/2023
Following Vodacom Tanzania and Tigo Tanzania in terms of the total number of subscribers served, Airtel Tanzania Limited holds the position of being Tanzania’s third-largest telecoms provider. Airtel Tanzania had 10.6 million voice subscribers as of September 2017, the most recent month for which data is available. According to statistics that was released by the Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority in December 2017, Airtel Tanzania controlled 27.1 percent of Tanzania’s mobile telephone market in terms of user numbers. At that time, the market was expected to have 10.86 million customers.

Airtel Africa is a pan-African mobile network operator and the largest mobile service provider in Africa other than South Africa. The company is active in 14 countries throughout the continent. The company that you work for is a component of Airtel Africa.
On April 3, 2006, Airtel Tanzania became the first telecommunications carrier in Tanzania to offer the General Packet Radio Service/Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution (GPRS/EDGE) service in the country’s market. Celtel Tanzania maintains its headquarters in Celtel House, Dar es Salaam. On August 1, 2008, Celtel rebranded all of its operations in Africa as Zain. This change took effect immediately.