Jinsi ya kuangalia bima ya gari yako 2023/2024
Jinsi ya kuangalia bima ya gari yako -Validation of Coverage for Motor Vehicle Insurance, as well as Instructions on How to Review Information Regarding Insurance for Fire Institutions
The Insurance Authority (TIRA) is pleased to present you with a system called TIRA MIS that can verify your fire insurance policy for your vehicle (auto, motorcycle, bajaj, etc.). The following is an explanation of how to utilise this electronic system:
Jinsi ya kuangalia bima ya gari yako 2023/2024

- A Message Sent Via Text (SMS)
Put the word STICKERS in the blank. leave space To send this message to 15200, write the number stickers as follows: STICKERS 8091390. Over the course of time, you will be sent a message that contains details regarding the authenticity of the stickers and the insurance coverage for your instrument. Both the Vodacom and the Tigo networks are active at this time.
CLICK HERE FOR: TIRA MISS & Bima verification
- TIRA MIS webpage https://mis.tira.go.tz
After selecting Verify Insurance Sticker | Validate Motor Insurance Sticker from the drop-down menu, input the number of stickers on your vehicle, and then select Review | Validate.
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Information Regarding Validation
After you have entered the number of the motor vehicle registration in the text field and pressed the validate button, the information regarding the motor vehicle insurance cover will be displayed.