
ZIMSEC A Level Results 2022/2023 Zimbabwe School Examinations Council

ZIMSEC A Level Results 2022/2023 Zimbabwe School Examinations Council

ZIMSEC A Level Results 2022 -The Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education oversees ZIMSEC, which functions as its own independent parastatal. It is an examinations board that has received international accreditation. Due to the fact that its curricula have been analysed by the National Academic Recognition and Information Centre (NARIC) in the United Kingdom and found to be equivalent to the General Certificate of Education Standard that is provided in the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, the United States of America, and the other English-speaking countries, the qualifications awarded by the Council are globally recognised.

You can check your Zimbabwe School Examinations Council (ZIMSEC) A level result 2022 for all classes in Zimbabwe here in this page. You have the option of searching for your results using either your name or your roll number. You can also click on the link that is provided below to check your ZIMSEC A level result for 2022. 2022 ZIMSEC A Level Results (

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Students almost universally experience result-related anxiety; if it is the outcome of your ZIMSEC A level examination, I have no doubt that you are currently perspiring out there. But regardless of what transpires, you absolutely must maintain your composure. ZIMSEC A Level Results 2022/2023

You can use the link that is provided below to verify your ZIMSEC A level Results 2022. This site is available to all of the students who sat for ZIMSEC A level exams this year. It is important that you are informed that the official ZIMSEC A level results page may take some time to load completely. Because of this, the students have been instructed to exercise patience.

ZIMSEC A Level Results 2022/2023 Zimbabwe School Examinations Council

ZIMSEC A Level Results 2022/2023 Zimbabwe School Examinations Council
ZIMSEC A Level Results 2022/2023 Zimbabwe School Examinations Council

How to View ZIMSEC A-Level Exam Results 2022

When ZIMSEC has officially released the results, candidates can check their results VIA ZIMSEC online results portal

Firstly, you need to visit the website and follow guide below!

  1. Enter the Centre Number, which is six digits long.
  2. Enter your four-digit Candidate Number here.
  3. Select either the June or November session from the drop-down menu.
  4. Select either O’Level or A’Level from the drop-down menu.
  5. Enter the year that you took the exam.
  6. Enter your Candidate Name exactly as it appears on your entry statement.

If the name inputted differs in any way from the one on the statement of entry, the account will not be established.

  1. Enter your birth date in the dd/mm/yyyy format.
  2. Enter a username that you want to use to log in to the program.
  3. Enter a password that includes a capital letter, numbers, and non-alphabetic characters. For example, Zimsec123! would be a suitable password.
  4. Enter the password again in the confirm password text box.
  5. Click the registration button.
  6. If the account registration is successful, the program will redirect to the login screen.
  7. If there are any problems, the program will display them on the screen.
  8. It is critical for the applicant to remember their Security Phrase and Username in case they forget their password.

Check ZIMSEC A level Result  2022 

All the students are requested to have patience as the result page may take time to load due to slow server speed.

Are the ZIMSEC A level Results 2022 OUT?

The TESTS were conducted locally for a number of different objectives, one of which was to ensure the end of colonialism. In December 2022, the Zimbabwe School Examinations Council (ZIMSEC) will publish the results of the A Level exams that were administered in November 2022, along with a ranking of the top one hundred schools. The Advanced Level Examination is another name for Zimbabwe’s version of the A Level. ZIMSEC A Level Results 2022/2023, Are the results of ZIMSEC November available yet?

The top 100 O-Level schools in Zimbabwe are shown below.

  1. John Tallach High School : 100%
  2. Anderson Secondary School : 97.1%
  3. Zimbabwe Republic Police Borrowdale: 96.58%
  4. Monte Cassino Secondary School: 96.15%
  5. Nyanga High School : 96%
  6. St Ignatius College: 95.95%
  7. Nyazura Adventist School: 94.63%
  8. Regina Mundi Secondary School: 93.75%
  9. St Dominics Chishawasha School: 93.26%
  10. Kriste Mambo Secondary School :92.3%
  11. Moleli High School : 92.3%
  12. Langham Secondary School : 92.05%
  13. St Faith’s Secondary School :91.94%
  14. St Augustine’s Penhalonga : 91.91%
  15. Sandringham Secondary:89.18%
  16. Chikwingwizha Secondary School: 88.1%
  17. Marist Brothers Secondary School: 87.3%
  18. St Davids Bonda Secondary School: 86.73%
  19. St Antony’s High School : 86.49%
  20. Alpha College: 85.71%
  21. Ruya Adventist Secondary : 85.05%
  22. Serima Secondary:85%
  23. Hama Secondary School: 84.09%
  24. Goromonzi High School: 83.77%
  25. St Francis of Assisi High School: 83.67%
  26. St Francis Xavier’s Kutama: 83.44%
  27. Howard High School : 83.15%
  28. Nyadire Secondary School: 82.81%
  29. Bernard Mizeki College :82.54%
  30. Bradley Secondary School :82.01%
  31. Mt St Mary’s Secondary School: 81. 4%
  32. St Dominic’s High School : 81.15%
  33. St Columba’s High School : 80.84
  34. Gokomere High School :80.5%
  35. Marange High School: 80.42%
  36. Marondera High School:79.52%
  37. Hartzell High School:79.31%
  38. Shungu High School :79.27%
  39. Sanyati Baptist Secondary School: 78.81%
  40. Pamushana Secondary School:78.46%
  41. Mazowe High School:78.33%
  42. Waddilove High School:76.73%
  43. Lundi Secondary School:75.47%
  44. St Anne’s Goto Secondary School:74.49%
  45. Mandedza High School:74.44%
  46. Rusununguko High School:74.41%
  47. Mukaro High School :74.21%
  48. Nyahuni (Makunde) Secondary School:73.55%
  49. Chibi High School:72.83%.
  50. St Patrick’s Secondary School:72.73%
  51. Nhowe Secondary School :72.31%
  52. Zimuto Secondary School:72.19%
  53. Dadaya Secondary School 72%
  54. St Albert’s Secondary School :71.43%
  55. Berejena Secondary School:70.87%
  56. Makumbe High School: 70.8%
  57. Maranatha Adventist Secondary School:69.86%
  58. Hanke Adventist Secondary School:69.32%
  59. Mutendi High School :68.27%
  60. Daramombe Secondary School:67.97%
  61. St Peters (Mbare Secondary School): 67. 95%
  62. St Paul’s Musami :67.8%
  63. Nyashanu Secondary School :67.76%
  64. David Livingstone Secondary School:67.31%
  65. All Souls High School:66.95%
  66. Emmanuel Secondary School :66.95%
  67. Murewa High School :66.92%
  68. Usher Secondary School:66.92%
  69. Green Gables High School:65.79%
  70. Minda Secondary School :64.95%
  71. St Johns Secondary School:64.89%
  72. Presbyterian Secondary School:64.84%
  73. Silveira Secondary School:64.67%
  74. Nagle House:64.4%
  75. Queen Elizabeth School :62.86%
  76. Holy Cross Secondary School:62.75%
  77. St KiIlian’s Secondary School :61.73%
  78. Adventist Secondary School :61.32%
  79. Msthabezi Secondary School :61.11%
  80. Mutare Girls High School : 60.84%
  81. St Michaels’ High School :58.97%
  82. Mt Selinda High School :58.97%
  83. St Benedict’s Secondary School :58.95%
  84. St Joseph’s Secondary School:58.94%
  85. Makumbi High School:58.76%
  86. Kwenda Secondary School:58.55%
  87. Pakame Secondary School:58.46%
  88. Chindunduma No 2 Secondary:57.98%
  89. Loreto Secondary School :57.69%
  90. [[Msengezi High Schoo]l]] : 57.34%
  91. Thekwane High School: 57.14%
  92. Chemhanza Secondary School :57.14%
  93. Mashoko Secondary School : 56.73%
  94. Jameson High School : 56.67%
  95. Ngezi Secondary School : 56.65%
  96. Inyathi Secondary School:56.32%
  97. Lydia Chimonyo Secondary School: 56.03%
  98. St John’s High School :55.74%
  99. Mucheke No 2 Ndarama School :55.4%
  100. St Mathias’ Tsonzo Secondary:55.33%