www.knec-portal.ac.ke Results 2022 | KNEC Results 2022 Online Portal
www.knec-portal.ac.ke Results 2022 -Kenya National Examinations Council (commonly known as KNEC or the Council) is in charge of administering examinations such as the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE), the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE), and others. KCPE and KCSE results are also published by KNEC.
KNEC Results 2022 Online Portal:
- Kenya National Examinations Council’s official online page is www.knec.ac.ke. KNEC is responsible for setting and maintaining examination standards as well as conducting public academic, technical, and other national examinations in Kenya at the primary and secondary levels.
- According to the Kenya National Examinations Council Act, the Kenya National Examinations Council is mandated to conduct school and post-school examinations and give certificates to all competent students. 2012 clause 10(1) a) and b) The KNEC Act, 2012 paragraph 10 (2a) further enables the Council “to enact rules regulating the conduct of examinations and for all purposes incidental thereto”.
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KNEC Examination 2022:
- The Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) examination is taken after completing one’s primary (elementary) education. This is when one is in standard eight. After passing the exam, students can enrol in secondary school.
- The Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examination – This is the exam taken following four years of secondary (high) school studies. After passing the exam, students can attend university or college, depending on their grade.

- Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) : Diploma Examination, The purpose of this paper is to analyze the current issues facing ECDE in Kenya.
- The County Director of Education Ministry of Education Scientist and Technology (MoEST) is responsible to the Kenya National Examinations Council for the successful conduct of the examination in the County.
- Final exams for all national polytechnics.
KNEC 2022 Result Slip Portal:
Students can print their KNEC Examination Result Slips from the KNEC Online Portal. Check out the steps below for more information.
- Step 1: Open Your Laptop or Mobile Web Browser.
- Step 2: In Address Bar type “www.knec-portal.ac.ke“
- Step 3: Find “2022 Online Result Slip“.
- Step 4: Click on the option.
- Step 5: KCPE/KCSE – RESULT SLIPS window will open.
- Step 6: Enter Your “User Name” and “Password”.
- Step 7: Click on the “Login” button.
- Final step- After successful login, candidates can download KNEC 2022 Result Slip.
How to check KNEC Results 2022 Via SMS :
- The Kenya National Examinations Council allows candidates and their parents to see exam results by SMS and online. Once the examination results are published by KNEC, they can be read or downloaded via the KNEC Portal. The results can also be accessed via SMS via the Safaricom, Airtel, and Orange networks for a few Kenyan shillings (KES) per charge.
- Chief Executive Officer
P.O. Box: 73598 00200,
Nairobi, Kenya.
- Head Office
National Housing Corporation (NHC) House,
Aga Khan Walk, - Tel: (+254 – 020) 317412; 317413; 317419; 317427; 341027; 341050; 341071; 341098; 341113; 2213381
- Fax: (+254 – 020) 2226032
- Email: [email protected]
- Mobile: 0720741001/0732333860
- Website: https://www.knec-portal.ac.ke/
- Website: https://www.knec.ac.ke