Sifa Za Kujiunga Na Jeshi La Uhamiaji 2022/2023
Sifa Za Kujiunga Na Jeshi La Uhamiaji 2022/2023, Many people, for a variety of reasons, might be interested in exploring the possibility of moving to a nation that is not their own. It’s possible that people leave their homelands for a variety of reasons, including escaping danger or war, reuniting with family members, or simply yearning for something more. Nevertheless, entering a new nation might involve navigating a rigorous legal process, which can lead to confusion; however, the Immigration Services Department was designed to make the process of entering Tanzania as simple and straightforward as possible.
Here are some insights into what it means to work in the Tanzania immigration Services Department, the qualification required to work, and how you may go about becoming a part of it as well!
- A Tanzanian citizen of at least 22 years of age and no fewer than 30 years of age is required.
- Have a good reputation, never go to jail, and don’t get engaged in illegal activities like drug or weapon trafficking or any other type of crime.
- On his physique, he should not have any markings or tattoos of any kind.
- They should not be working in the government, and they should never have been employed there.
- Prepare yourself to participate in Pre-Immigration Training.
- Have the willingness to work in any part of Tanzania.
- Be in good bodily and mental condition, and include a doctor’s report from a government-run hospital as part of your application.
- Experience in the workforce that is less than two years old.

Sifa Za Kujiunga Na Jeshi La Uhamiaji 2022/2023
Concerning the Department of Tanzania’s Immigration Services: In accordance with the provisions of Section 4(1) of the Immigration Act of 1995, Chapter 54, as amended by Act No.8 of 2015, the Immigration Services Department was formally constituted. This grants the Department the authority to oversee immigration concerns in the United Republic of Tanzania as well as to facilitate their resolution. One of the security organs that fall under the purview of the Ministry of Home Affairs is the Department.
Sifa Za Kujiunga Na Jeshi La Uhamiaji 2022/2023
Core responsibilities of the Immigration and Services Department;
- to ensure the continuation of national security by controlling immigration.
- to provide bona fide citizens with passports and other forms of travel documentation
- to provide foreign nationals who are living in the country with residence permits and entry passes.
- To both make it easier for people to enter and leave the country and to keep better track of those who do so.
- For the purpose of coordinating and facilitating applications for Tanzanian citizenship.