MANEB PSLCE Results 2022 PDF Download
MANEB PSLCE Results 2022 PDF Download -The Malawi Certificate Examinations and Testing Board (MCE&TB) and the Examinations Section of the Ministry of Education and Culture merged into what is now known as the Malawi National Examinations Board (MANEB) in April of 1987. This led to the establishment of the Malawi National Examinations Board (MANEB). An Act of Parliament in 1969 led to the establishment of the MCE&TB with the purpose of supervising the process of examination development and administration becoming more locally based in Malawi. Before these modifications were implemented, students who have finished their secondary education would be required to sit the Cambridge international school leaving certificate examination.
As a direct consequence of this decision, in April of 1987, the MCE&TB Act was amended to include provisions for the creation of a central body known as MANEB. This new Act gave MANEB the responsibility of devising and coordinating the administration of national certification, selection, and placement examinations.
MANEB is a parastatal organisation that receives the majority of its funding from the government of Malawi. In addition, examination and other service fees contribute to MANEB’s revenue.
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MANEB PSLCE Results 2022 PDF Download

To check your score on the Primary School Leaving Certificate of Education, go to the website of the school district in which you took the exam and look for your name on the list of students who passed. The names of the municipalities where the examinations were held are listed below;
MANEB PSLCE Results 2022 PDF Download
MANEB PSLCE Results 2022 PDF Download
MANEB Organizational Structure
An Executive Director heads MANEB. MANEB has six directorates. Each of the directorates has a director who reports to the Executive Director.
- EXAMINATIONS DEVELOPMENT DIRECTORATE –responsible for developing, typesetting and printing national examinations
- EXAMINATION ADMINISTRATION DIRECTORATE –responsible for logistical support during administration and marking of examination and candidates’ certification
- 3.SECURITY SERVICES DIRECTORATE-responsible for security of examination documents during item development, moderation, printing and general security of Board’s property and premises
- 4. COMPUTER SERVICES DIRECTORATE –responsible for developing information communication and technology systems and processing of examination data
- 5. FINANCE DIRECTORATE-responsible for managing and accounting for financial resources
- 6. CORPORATE SERVICES DIRECTORATE-responsible for human resource management and provision of office services MANEB also has three units and one section that support the functions of the directorates and these are:
- a)Policy ,planning and research unit– responsible for policy, planning and provision of research services
- b)Procurement unit under Corporate Services Directorate– responsible for procurement of goods and services
- c)Stores Section under Corporate Services Directorate– keeps a record of Board’s goods and responsible for inventory control
- d)Internal Audit unit– responsible for assuring the effectiveness of resource utilization internal control systems
MANEB PSLCE Results 2022 PDF Download
MANEB Vision, Mission, Mandate & Core Values
To be a highly reputable, credible and internationally recognised examining body.
To conduct valid and reliable examinations for certification, selection and placement purposes; and provide professional advice relating to assessment and examinations.
- Conduct academic and other examinations at the conclusion of any approved course in Malawi as it may be considered in the public interest.
- Award Certificates and Diplomas to successful candidates in such examinations.
Core Values
- Equitability and fairness
- Efficiency, innovativeness and responsiveness
- Professionalism and integrity
- Security cautiousness
- Transparency and accountability