Jinsi ya kuandika Barua ya maombi ya kazi
Jinsi ya kuandika Barua ya maombi ya kazi -Along with your CV, you should send an employer a letter of application, which is usually referred to as a cover letter. The purpose of this document is to offer the company with more information about your talents and expertise. It is the purpose of the application letter to provide specific information about the reasons why you are an ideal candidate for the position being applied for.
The employer should know what position you are applying for, what makes you a great candidate, why they should select you for an interview, and how you will follow up after the interview in the cover letter that you submit with your application.
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A job application letter, much like any other cover letter, is broken up into the following sections:
- The heading, which consists of your name and the appropriate contact information.
- a greeting that is, if at all feasible, directed toward a particular individual
- The introduction, which must provide an explanation of the applicant’s motivation for writing.
- The main part of the resume, in which your significant qualifications are discussed.
- The conclusion, which expresses gratitude to the reader and includes contact information as well as data regarding subsequent actions.
- Your signature will serve as the letter’s closing.
Jinsi ya kuandika Barua ya maombi ya kazi kwa Usahihi (SAMPLE)