How to Get South African Passport -How to get a Passport for South Africa, Including All the Necessary Steps and Requirements The Application Process for a South African Passport, The Application Process for a South African Passport
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Learn How to Obtain a Passport from South Africa and Get Your Own Passport from South Africa! How to Get South African Passport
, How to Apply for a Passport in South Africa, Applications for South African Passports How to Apply for a Passport in South Africa
A passport is a document that is granted by a national government for the purpose of international travel that attests to the identity of the holder as well as the nationality of the holder. How to Get South African Passport
It is important for applicants to be aware that according to section 26(B) of the South African Citizenship Act, 1995, it is a criminal offense for a South African citizen who is 18 years old or older to leave or enter South Africa on a foreign passport. This is a law that has been in effect since 1995. How to Get South African Passport
The South African Passports and Travel Papers Act, which was passed in 1994, and the accompanying Regulations govern the process through which passports and travel documents are distributed in South Africa.
Only in Pretoria, South Africa, are permanent South African passports and travel documents (machine-readable documents) printed. From there, they are sent to the offices of application around the country. Applications that are made inside South Africa’s boundaries can be delivered to any office of the Department of Home Affairs; applications that are made outside of South Africa can be delivered to the South African embassy or consulate that is located closest to the applicant. How to Get South African Passport
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How to Get South African Passport – Requirements and Procedures
It is essential to be aware that in order to submit an application for a passport, whether in South Africa or anywhere in the world, you are required to do it in person for the following reasons:
- Your identification must be proven to the person in charge of passports to the level of satisfaction required.
- The official in charge of issuing passports is required to verify that the photograph you provided is a genuine likeness of yourself; and
- Those of you who are 16 years old or older will need to have your fingerprints taken, and those prints will be compared to those on the National Population Register. How to Get South African Passport
How to Get South African Passport – Requirements and Procedures
You should also keep in mind that:
- It is imperative that black ink be used to complete any and all forms necessary for passport applications.
- Each member of a household, including the spouse and any children, is required to submit their own application. When applying for a passport for a child, both of the child’s parents as well as the youngster themselves are required to be present. See exceptions under Tourist Passports: individuals under 16
- When you apply for a passport, your names will be verified against the National Population Register (NPR) to ensure that they are spelled correctly. Passports will then be issued accordingly. Before you can even apply for a passport, you have to make sure that any name changes you want to make have been requested, approved, and documented in the NPR.

When you apply for a passport in South Africa, you are required to provide your South African identification number. In the event that you do not already possess a South African identity number, you will initially be required to submit an application to register your birth in South Africa as well as an application for a South African identity document, depending on the circumstances. How to Get South African Passport
If you do not have a standard passport that is currently valid and you have an urgent need to travel, you may submit an application for an emergency travel document or certificate as long as you meet the requirements that are outlined below. Keep in mind that there are some nations that will not acknowledge any documents or certificates related to emergency travel. Before making an application for an emergency passport or travel certificate, you are required to first verify this information with the appropriate authorities of the nation you plan to visit. How to Get South African Passport
Fees are required to be paid in order to apply for any kind of passport or travel document, with the exception of official and diplomatic passports. If the passport or travel document owner was negligent and caused the occurrence that led to the loss, theft, or damage of the passport, the application to replace the passport will cost twice as much as the standard amount.
A typical tourist passport comprises 32 pages, however frequent travellers can decide to receive a maxi tourist passport with 48 pages.
Only South African citizens aged 16 years or older can apply for a tourist passport, and only those aged 16 years or older can apply for a maxi tourist passport. These passports have a 10-year lifespan before they expire.
Tourist passports for persons under 16 years are available to South African citizens who are 15 or younger at the time of application. These passports have a five-year validity period.
It is not possible to renew passports. When the time period that a passport is valid for has passed, you will be required to submit a fresh application in order to obtain a new passport.
The expiration date of a passenger’s passport must be at least 30 days after the date on which they plan to depart. In addition, passports need to have at least two blank pages so that entrance stamps can be added. It is not possible to include the “endorsement” page at the rear of the book among the blank pages. If you need a visa, check that your passport has two blank pages facing each other; one of those pages should be used for the visa, and the other should be left blank for the entry stamp. How to Get South African Passport
How to Get South African Passport – Requirements and Procedures
The following is a list of the information that may be found in South African passports:
- A photograph of the person holding the passport.
- category of travel document
- Country of origination
- Number of a passport
- The bearer’s given names and last name are listed on the passport.
- The holder of the passport’s native country or territory
- Gender of passport holder
- Date of birth
- Location of birth
- Issue date
- Date of expiration
- The granting authority
Making applications for passports as tourists: adults and adolescents older than 16 years
Citizens of South Africa who are at least 16 years old can apply for one of these passports.
After the date of issuance, the passports are only good for a period of ten years and cannot be renewed. In order to obtain a new South African passport after your current one has expired, you will need to submit a fresh application. How to Get South African Passport
In order to submit an application for a passport, you are required to present the following documents:
- A properly filled out and signed Application for a Passport (DHA-73)
- Your original form of identification and a copy of it, or, if you are under the age of 16, your birth certificate and a copy of that.
- If the applicant is younger than 18 years old, parental consent is required before the passport can be issued. Please go to Passports for Tourists: Individuals Under 16 Years Old for information regarding the requirements. How to Get South African Passport
- When applying from outside the country, a completed determination of citizenship Form DHA-529 is required.
- Present any existing valid tourist passport, or if you have lost your passport or it has been stolen and you are applying for a new passport, you are required to provide a report of loss of passport (DHA-335) and confirmation that you have reported the loss to the police. If you have lost your passport or it has been stolen and you are applying for a new passport, you must present any existing valid tourist passport.
- Two photographs in color that meet the requirements outlined in the Passport and ID Photograph Specifications (NOT needed at smartcard offices as ID images are captured digitally)
- Make sure you pay the appropriate amount for the passport. How to Get South African Passport
submitting an application for maximum tourist passports
Maxi tourist passports are 48-page documents suited for frequent travellers. They are identical to standard passports for tourists, with the exception that they have additional visa pages in their booklets. How to Get South African Passport
They are only given out to citizens of South Africa who are at least 16 years old. The documents are only good for a period of ten years and cannot be renewed. When the time period that a passport is valid for has passed, you will be required to submit a fresh application in order to obtain a new passport. How to Get South African Passport
Persons under the age of 16 who submit an application for a tourist passport
Citizens of South Africa who are younger than 15 years old can apply for one of these passports. The passports have a validity period of five years and cannot be renewed. When the time period that a passport is valid for has passed, you will be required to submit a fresh application in order to obtain a new passport. How to Get South African Passport
Submission of Applications for Official Passports
Those officials linked to government institutions who are required to travel for official business can apply for and receive official passports. These passports can only be used for travel during the period of time when they are valid.
You are required to present the following documents in order to apply for a legitimate passport:
- A properly filled out and signed Application for a Passport (DHA-73)
- Your original identity document and a copy
- A letter on the organization’s letterhead with the official letterhead and signature of the head of the institution or his or her delegate verifying that you are an employee of the organization and that the passport is required for an official trip and that you are going on the trip. How to Get South African Passport
- Two photographs in color that meet the requirements outlined in the Passport and ID Photograph Specifications (NOT needed at smartcard offices as ID images are captured digitally)
- Please provide your currently valid official passport, a lost passport report (DHA-335) if your passport was lost or stolen, and confirmation that the loss was reported to the local authorities. How to Get South African Passport
Submission of Applications for Diplomatic Passports
The Department of International Relations is in charge of handling all matters pertaining to diplomatic passports. In the aforementioned department’s Protocol Section is where you should direct any questions you have. How to Get South African Passport
Making an Application for Documents Necessary for Travel
Permanent residents of South Africa who are unable to get travel documents from their home countries may apply for and receive documentation that can be used for travel purposes from the South African government. These records can only be used for a period of time that is equal to or less than 5 years. How to Get South African Passport
You are need to supply the following items when applying for a document to be used for travel purposes:
- A properly filled out and signed Application for a Passport (DHA-73)
- Confirmation in writing from your country of origin stating that they are unable to provide you a passport under any circumstances, with the exception of individuals who have been granted permanent status as a refugee. How to Get South African Passport
- If the individual is under the age of 18, the required parental consent must be provided. See requirements under Tourist passports for persons under 16
- Your authorization to remain in the country permanently, along with a copy of it.
- The original version of your South African non-citizen identity document, as well as a copy of it.
- Two photographs in color that meet the requirements outlined in the Passport and ID Photograph Specifications (NOT needed at smartcard offices as ID images are captured digitally) How to Get South African Passport
- receipt of the appropriate fee in payment.
Submission of an Application for Crew Member Certificates
South Africans who are working as crew members for an airline that is registered in South Africa can apply for and receive a crew member certificate. How to Get South African Passport
You are need to submit the following documents in order to apply for a certificate to become a crew member:
- A properly filled out and signed Application for a Passport (DHA-73)
- Your original South African identification document as well as a copy of it
- Two photographs in color that meet the requirements outlined in the Passport and ID Photograph Specifications (NOT needed at smartcard offices as ID images are captured digitally)
- Official document from your employer stating that you are employed by the airline and including your employee number.
Is it possible for a non-citizen to obtain a passport for South Africa?
You are eligible to apply for South African citizenship after five years of having a permanent residence permit, marrying a South African citizen, or being a juvenile with a permanent resident visa. The only exceptions to this rule are if you were born in South Africa or if your parents are South African.
How soon can I get my passport after applying for it in South Africa?
Within seven to twenty-one working days, the application for the passport will be processed, and the passport will be issued. The tourist visa has a 10-year duration of validity. Please keep in mind that the expiration date of your passport must be at least 30 days after the day on which you intend to travel. Additionally, passports must to have a minimum of two blank pages in order to accommodate entry stamps.
How long does it take for a person who was born outside of South Africa to become a citizen there?
Applications for naturalization will only be considered valid if the applicant has been in possession of a Permanent Residence Permit in the Republic of South Africa for a period of at least five (5) years, starting from the date the PR was acquired.
If I was born in South Africa, are I eligible to apply for a passport from that country?
An application for a Passport by Birth in South Africa must include a valid Birth Certificate and evidence that either one or both of the applicant’s parents had South African Nationality or were citizens of South Africa at the time of the applicant’s birth. It is by far the most common approach to submitting an application for citizenship in South Africa.