Orodha ya Majina ya Waliochaguliwa Ajira za sensa Pwani 2022
Orodha ya Majina ya Waliochaguliwa Ajira za sensa Pwani 2022 -This Article contain Orodha ya majina walioitwa Ajira zasensa www.nbs.go.tz ,Orodha ya Majina waliochaguliwa Ajira za sensa mikoa mbalimbali,for who Applied Census work Here they will obtain the List of Names picked for Census job Through Guide,Steps and Direct link to Download name list in PDF.
Under the direction of the Ministry of Finance and Planning (MOF), the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), and in collaboration with the Office of the Chief Government Statistician in Zanzibar (OCGS), the government of the United Republic of Tanzania intended to carry out the census in August 2022.
Numbers of People Needed to Travel Through Regions, Districts, and Villages, House by House, to Collect Information on Residents of This Area have Been Announced.
Orodha ya Majina ya Waliochaguliwa Ajira za sensa Pwani 2022
National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) Overview- Orodha ya Majina ya Waliochaguliwa Ajira za sensa
The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania is planned to Conduct Census on August 2022 Under Ministry of Finance and Planning (MOF) Through National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) Collaborate with office of the chief government statistician Zanzibar (OCGS),
Numbers of People Needed to Go Through Regions, Districts, and Villages House by House to Collect Information on People Living Here have Been Announced. These Numbers Will Be Posted.
- In order to collect data from a wide variety of sources, to evaluate said data, to publish said analysis, and to distribute said data to stakeholders,
- When a user or a stakeholder makes a request for it, to carry out surveys and give technical assistance on sampling, statistical data collecting, processing, analysis, and dissemination of the collected data;
- In order to formulate guidelines and procedures, as well as to offer explanations of various ideas and terminologies,
- In order to supply academics and other interested parties with raw data,
to create the necessary maps for the numerous surveys and censuses, and furthermore.
Important of Population and Housing Census 2022
As Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), Why Does the Government Conduct the Census?, Here is the Significance of Census to any Nation in terms of Social, Economic, and Demographically,
1.To Assist the Government of Tanzania in Acquiring Vital Information Necessary for the Development Plan for the Year 2025 Concerning Health, as well as to Assist in Monitoring the Developmental Progress of the Country
- It assists the District Council in determining the appropriate development ratio between the total population and the available social services.
- Bring in information regarding the demographics, society, and economy of the people’s residences
- It functions as a distribution factor with regard to personal income, employment opportunities, and school enrollment or registration.
- It assists the government in better understanding the rate of demographic change.
6.it serves as a source of good governance, such as democracy, and it contributes to the equitable distribution of provinces for national elections.
Orodha ya Majina ya Waliochaguliwa Ajira za sensa Pwani 2022
Previous 2020 Tanzania Census Statistics and Facts
The fact that Tanzania and many other developing countries only conduct censuses once every ten years is mostly attributable to the fact that the process is exceedingly expensive. On the other hand, developed countries only carry out censuses once every five years.
The most recent census in Tanzania was carried out in the year 2020, and the data presented here is made up of facts and statistics.
- According to an expansion by Worldometer of the most recent statistics provided by the United Nations, the population of the United Republic of Tanzania as of Wednesday, May 11, 2022, was calculated to be 62,882,787.
- The United Nations estimates that the population of Tanzania will be 59,734,218 at the middle of the year 2020.
- Tanzania has a population that is equivalent to 0.77 percent of the total population of the globe.
When ordered by population, Tanzania comes in at number 24 on the list of countries (and dependencies). - There are 67 people packed into every square kilometer of land in Tanzania (175 people per mi2).
- The entire land area is 885,800 km2 (kilometers squared) (342,009 sq. miles)
- 37.0 percent of the population resides in urban areas (22,113,353 people in 2020)
- The average age of a Tanzanian citizen is 18.0 years.
Orodha ya Majina ya Waliochaguliwa Ajira za sensa Pwani 2022
How to Check List ya Majina ya Waliochaguliwa Ajira za sensa – nbs.go.tz
- Go to nbs Official Website ( www.nbs.go.tz )
- Check to Latest News
- you will find the name List on PDF
- Tap to Download
Orodha ya Majina ya Waliochaguliwa Ajira za sensa Pwani 2022
Ratiba ya Zoezi la Sensa 2022

Orodha ya Majina ya Waliochaguliwa Ajira za sensa Pwani 2022
List of Names according to District
- Mkuranga – Download Here
- Bagamoyo – Download Here