Jinsi Ya Kuweka Umeme Wa Luku | How To Recharge electricity
Jinsi Ya Kuweka Umeme Wa Luku -In our day-to-day lives, we rely on a variety of different kinds of energy, but one of the most significant is electricity. Our lights, appliances, and electrical devices all get their juice from it. TANESCO is a parastatal organization that was established by Memorandum and Articles of Association incorporated on 26th November 1931, which established Tanzania Electric Supply Company Limited. TANESCO is responsible for the provision of electricity as well as its monitoring and maintenance in Tanzania (the then Tanganyika Electric Supply Company Limited –TANESCO).
To bring your power supply back up to par, follow these procedures.
When you have received your token from Tanesco, you will need to input the token number on your meter. In order to use certain meters, you will be required to push the circle button once and then enter the token number. Token numbers are the 12 digits that are provided in the message that is received after payment, as seen below.
>>>Jinsi ya kupata token za Luku Airtel