Top 10 Keywords with High CPC in Canada in 2023

The industry with the highest CPC keywords for Google Ads in Canada in 2023 will be insurance, predicts Statista. In other words, with costs as high as $3.00 USD, insurance is still the most costly CPC term in Canada. The top 10 high CPC keywords in Canada for Google Ads or AdSense programmes will be published between 2022 and 2023.

To start, Canada is currently among the nations in the world with the highest CPC wages. The complete list of 2023 Google AdSense CPC rates by country is provided below.

RELATED: Google AdSense High CPC Countries List 2022/2023

The most popular CPC phrase in Canada as of 2023 is insurance. Online banking, online universities, tourism, and Mesothelioma Law Firms are some of the most expensive keywords in Canada right now. These are also some of the phrases with the highest CPC insurance rates in 2023.

The top ten high CPC keywords in Canada that pay the most are shown here, with a focus on Taboola, MGID, Google News, and Google Ad Words. Check out the list below for our most recent findings from well-known websites like Ecocnn, Similarweb, and Likbook, which also contains Canadian insurance companies and information on vehicle insurance and motor vehicle insurance quotes.

Top 10 Keywords with High CPC in Canada in 2023

  1. Insurance. CPC – $2.99. Its the highest-paying CPC Keyword in Canada today.
  2. Marketing and Advertising. CPC – $2.70.
  3. Lawyer. CPC – $2.40.
  4. Online banking. CPC – $2.26.
  5. Internet & telecom. CPC – $2.25.
  6. Online Education. CPC – $1.82.
  7. Online Stock and Forex Trading. CPC – $1.74.
  8. Auto dealership. CPC – $1.60
  9. Travel. CPC – $0.80.
  10. Pharmaceuticals. CPC – $0.76. And finally,
  11. Real estate. CPC – $0.57.